HP Internship

HP proprietary work- all work belongs to HP and cannot be shared. Projects patented and patent pending.

HP Pen

Sara HP Final.047
Sara HP Final.049

The HP pen has a distinctive band that shows a selected color.

Sara HP Final.048
Sara HP Final.050
Sara HP Final.051
Sara HP Final.052
Sara HP Final.053

HP Wearable Concepts

Sara HP Final.041
Sara HP Final.042

HP glasses have a battery pack that clips onto a shirt or strap.

Sara HP Final.043

Work Surface Concepts (Abrv.)


My main internship work was developing various form factors for workplace computing interactions. Here, I show a few examples of form factors we did not choose.

Say hi through linkedin or email me at contact@saraferris.com  All work by © Sara Ferris 2021